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Get an Interior survey, an interior survey gives clients the advantage of having experts in fine furnishings appraise the value and quality of their yacht’s interior wood work.

Get an Interior Survey

Renova Refit’s comprehensive room by room report details the dents, scratches and gouges on all the yacht’s fine wood surfaces. We list any signs of water or sun damage, paying special attention to each room’s windows which are often overlooked and quite costly to repair. An interior survey provides our clients an assessment of the true state of the yacht’s wood work. Standards are based upon the quality, condition and life expectancy of the wood finish. In addition, each customer is provided an estimate to repair and restore the items listed. After completing the interior survey, our clients will have confidence when negotiating the buying or selling of an expensive investment such as a luxury yacht.

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Scott Henry - 954.588.0834
Donald Rohrer- 754.245.8537